Tuesday, January 12, 2010


V is for Vodyanik

Vodyanik is a water spirit in Slavik mythology described as resembling a creepy old man with a fat belly, a hat made out of reeds, and a skirt made out of rushes (that fits the description of most pan handlers, doesn't it?).

Vodyanik can be either a malevolent spirit or a benevolent spirit depending on which side of the bed he wakes up on. If the day starts nicely, he may just overturn fisherman's boats - but if the coffee machine isn't working, he's more likely to drown people trying to bathe in the shallows.

In other news:

Be sure to check out my new Rottface News page: rottfacenews.blogspot.com
Especially if you're in the mood for a long-winded recap of my 2009 tribulations. But low, there are some links in the article for new artwork of mine.

And speaking of new artwork - I might not have a new website up (what else is new) - but I did post a bunch of new paintings there - so check out ROTTFACE.COM for some new stuff, too!


  1. I'm glad to see you back in the blog, mate. Me likey the sketchy!
    ---Jeremy McHugh

  2. Great drawing !
    I didn't know you had a sketch blog. I'll be back to really take a good look at what you've got here.
    Bravo !

  3. That grass skirt must chafe really bad.
    Sorry that's all I have to add.

  4. I like this one too,:) He's a vicious man!
