Monday, November 21, 2011

Limited Edition AGGREGATES!!!

I posted a couple of these L.E. drawings a couple weeks back but the post was skimpy and lonely so I decided to delete that one and make it a foursome for this much NEWER post - though really I don't have anything new to say. Other than check out these fun drawings!

Well, my workload is getting into a thick spot now. Time to buckle up and saddle up and soldier on and put the pedal to the medal and bite the bullet and separate the men from the boys and all those other things people say when they have to stop getting distracted by Facebook and blogs and go do some friggin' work, fer Gad's sake.

But on the edge of this madness, I'm able to scan some drawings from my recently sold Limited Edition Aggregates (my book of fantasy pencil drawings). I've sold nearly all of them now. I might even be done with the Limited Edition thing before Christmas! If you have interest in buying one of my books with a signed and numbered original pencil drawing on the title page, ya better make your move!


  1. One o' these from my copy? Is it in the mail!! So excited!

  2. The one third from the top is in my copy! It was a really nice surprise and I adore the drawing. Aggregate is fantastic as well, congratulations Mr Prescott!

