Above are some samples of humans. They hold no high status in this world - they are essentially the part of the populace constantly at odds with the rest of the denizens of Innistrad. They are the prey species - the wildebeests, if you will. But they aren't push overs. However crude and utilitarian their clothes, armor, and weapons are, they've got spirit!
Oh man, working on the blue-aligned alchemist humans were fun! I unfortunately didn't get a chance to do up one in a final illustration but at least I got to dabble a bit at this stage.
The vampires are the uppity, fancy-clothes-wearing, nobility of the realm. One of their unifying visual cues was wrought iron design work and filigree worked into both clothing and weapons.
Here's another vampy dame - a cleric. probably blessing a keg of blood at a sweet vampire frat-party.
If you dig this Innistrad stuff, be sure to slide your internet butt on over to my Art-Blog and see some of the fully painted work I did for set. Fun stuff indeed!